
Types of Speech Implications & How Speech Therapy Can Help

speech implications & Speech therapy in Victoria

Types of Speech Implications & How Speech Therapy Can Help

Speech Implications

There are many people, likely even someone you know that suffers from speech implications. They come in many forms and have different levels of extremity. Sometimes noticeable, sometimes not! Regardless, working with a professional speech pathologist can help you those who suffer to become more confident and live a much happier life moving forward.

Richmond Speech therapy

The term speech disorders is a very broad category. Within, there are lots of specific types of disorders that someone may suffer from. Here’s a short list of a few speech implications, including what they might look like and how they can be treated.


Stuttering is a speech implication where the outflow of words is disrupted in terms of frequency. When someone suffers from stuttering implications, they have a difficulty with expressing what they have to say in a smooth fashion. Although they are aware and know what they would like to say, it comes out infrequently. In order to treat this type of disorder, a speech therapist can help to utilize various types of strategies that can help you express your thoughts smoothly and confidently.

Articulation Speech Implications

speech implications, speech therapy

Articulation includes the ability to move the parts of your body that are used when speaking. When someone suffers from articulation types of speech implications, they are likely not moving the right parts of the body in order to produce the right sounds. This type of speech disorder is typically easy to manage and is more-less just a matter of finding where the issue is and getting into the habit of moving your lips, mouth, or jaw the right way in oder to produce the necessary sounds.


Although accents aren’t normally seen as a speech implication, a speech therapist can help to reduce the extremity of your accent. Some people love their accent, or take pride in it, and that’s great! The reason people may want to reduce their accent level could be a variety of reason. For example, if someone’s job include a lot of communication and they are somewhat hard to understand by the majority of people they talk to on a daily basis, reducing your accent could help make your job easier.

Social Communication

You may not have known this, but a speech therapist can help with more than just speech implications. They can help to develop communication skills for people of all ages. Social communication skills are very important, especially for young people to develop early in life.  They help us to excel in our life endeavours. They also make life more enjoyable and generally happier for those who are able to communicate effectively in social settings. A speech therapist can help you develop skills and techniques you can use in social settings to feel comfortable and confident in your ability to interact.

speech therapist

Receptive Language Skills

Receptive language includes the ability to listen to, digest, and respond to what other people are saying to you. Once again, this is not necessarily a speech implication but rather just general skills one should have in order to live a happy life. This type of therapy isn’t just for kids as there are lots of adults also that benefit from help in this area.

Speech Implications & Speech Therapists

As we have seen here, speech implications are more than just not being able to talk properly. There are lots of areas where a speech therapist could help you improve your communication with others, resulting in a healthier, happier, and more successful life moving forward, regardless of your current age.