
The Five Most Common Symptoms of Receptive Language Disorder

symptoms of receptive language disorder

The Five Most Common Symptoms of Receptive Language Disorder

Receptive language disorder affects an individual’s ability to understand spoken language. There are five common symptoms of receptive language disorder that are important to recognize. These symptoms are difficulty following instructions, delayed response time, limited vocabulary, trouble with social interactions, and poor academic performance. In this blog post, we will discuss each of these five symptoms of receptive language disorder in greater detail.


Difficulty following instructions

Individuals with a receptive language disorder may have difficulty understanding and responding to verbal commands. This can be seen in their inability to follow directions, especially those that require multiple steps. They may also struggle to understand and remember instructions given during lectures or conversations. Even when instructions are simple, they may still have trouble interpreting them correctly. Furthermore, they may have difficulty organizing the instructions they do understand and may not be able to complete a task as requested. A key symptom of receptive language disorder is having difficulty following instructions.


Delayed response time

symptoms of receptive language disorder

One of the most common symptoms of Receptive Language Disorder is delayed response time. Individuals with this disorder may take longer than normal to process and understand spoken language, resulting in a slow or delayed reaction. For example, they may take a few seconds longer than usual to respond to a question or even struggle to answer it altogether. Furthermore, some individuals may be so overwhelmed by the amount of information that they are unable to comprehend it and thus are unable to respond at all. Delayed response time can lead to difficulty in communication, as well as social and academic difficulties. It is important to seek medical help if you think your child is having difficulty understanding spoken language.


Limited vocabulary

Individuals with a receptive language disorder may have difficulty understanding certain words, or may not be able to understand certain phrases. This can lead to a limited vocabulary, as the individual may not be able to express themselves accurately. Limited vocabulary can also lead to difficulty following conversations and having meaningful interactions with others. A limited vocabulary can be caused by an underlying neurological disorder, or by something as simple as a lack of exposure to certain words. Speech-language pathologists can work with an individual to help them build up their vocabulary and increase their understanding of spoken language.

symptoms of receptive language disorder

Trouble with social interactions

People with a receptive language disorder may experience difficulty with social interactions due to their inability to understand and interpret spoken language. This can lead to confusion and frustration when trying to interact with others, as the person may not be able to understand what is being said or follow instructions that are given. As a result, people with a receptive language disorder may struggle with communicating in social settings and forming relationships with others. It can also be difficult for them to understand verbal cues such as jokes, sarcasm, and nonverbal communication, leading to further social difficulties.


Poor academic performance

One of the most common symptoms of Receptive Language Disorder is poor academic performance. Those affected by this disorder may have difficulty understanding what is being said in the classroom, leading to poor comprehension and difficulty with schoolwork. They may also have difficulty understanding directions or participating in group activities, both of which can lead to poorer grades. Furthermore, those with Receptive Language Disorder may struggle to express their ideas and communicate effectively, which can further impair their academic performance. All of these challenges can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and motivation when it comes to school work, causing further issues with academic performance.